Monday, February 6, 2012

Movin' right along...

Hemoglobin (red blood) has held steady since his transfusion on Friday, the longest time since we started round the Horn. White blood has gone down again as has his platelets (he's getting a bag right now). But, considering he had the Velcade on Saturday eve, which gave him another body blow, he's doing pretty darn well!! His IGG (myeloma indicator) had started to rise on Saturday but by this morn has started down again, so I think it's fair to say, they found the sweet spot where his strength was up but before his myeloma took a U turn and started on the rampage again, to begin his next chemo. And he tolerated it well!

So we're heading off to Capital Lakes rehab this afternoon, (deja vu all over again) to get him strong enough and his knee back in shape to move into our Madison digs for a while before the farm. His immune system is low enough that we'll wait a day or so before opening him up to visitors but if you want to see him call into Capitol Lakes and get his phone number and ask the guy directly. His "beautiful assistant" is going to take a day or two out at the farm before Chris leaves. It's delicious not not be needed as much, though he assures me he needs me a lot to snuggle in his bed as soon as the docs say OK. And they did.

So "we're movin' right along in search of good times and good friends" talking about how to savor this next stretch as though it's our last spring, last summer etc , which it well could be. But that's not a bad way to live our lives even if we had a decade. I'm good with it.
Thursday is the next labs/chemo and we'll get a better sense of how stable he actually is at that time. From here on I'll only update if there's some new numbers or I'm waxing philosophic.
Good Lord, who would have thought a week ago that we'd be here!?


Life with Sabine said...

Wow! In the presence of miracles. PRAYER CONTINUES.

Peter Raphael said...

It was nice to see and talk to my friend Gil and revisit the fun times we had together during the last 40 years. It is amazing how little he complains and how he makes us at ease. I admire your strength Kathleen! Let me know when can I visit again.