Thursday, December 11, 2008


The holding pattern seems to be holding, at least as far as we can tell without blood tests.  Gil will be having thorough testing on Dec 23rd as part of the end of the clinical trail, including a full body scan for "honeycombing" bones, bone marrow sample and all the usual suspects of blood and urine tests.  It will be good to get a detailed snapshot of where the disease is now that he's been off the Velcade for a couple of months+. 
The current med regimen seems to be managing the peripheral neuropathy pretty well, though the few times we attempted to pull back on them a little, the pain came on strongly.  Sleep has been a little ragged recently but, in general, it's been good.

Unfortunately, (or perhaps fortuitously!) Gil's on his own for a couple of weeks, as I flew to NYC to help with my son Adam's care for a sudden onset and severe case of Guillan-Barre syndrome.  This has given Gil a chance to both be the mice that play (while the cat's away) as well as becoming his own "cat" a little more.  I'm grateful that this is a stable time for him so I don't need to worry.  We're blessed with generous friends and neighbors, so I'm not sure he's even had to cook yet!

Unfortunately, we'll only have two of our three boys home for Christmas, but I am REALLY looking forward to it.  Somehow it doesn't feel like pre Christmas without all the goodie prep I'm usually bustling with at this time of year.  When I get back next week, I'm going to really have to kick the grapefruit eating into gear to get enough peels for our candied grapefruit peel tradition.  Adam's success in rehab (hopefully he'll start in a week or so) having my family home and "Obama hope" will be my big Christmas presents. 
This has really has been a life altering year for us all, in so many ways.