Saturday, December 12, 2009

We can use the "R" word now!

Gil is officially in remission! His bone marrow biopsy, last week, showed 3% abnormal plasma cells. Anything under 5% is considered remission.

This just confirms what we'd been feeling; Gil IS better (though being off the steroids is surely a part of that). Now if his legs and feet would just get the news and quiet down, we'd both "kick up our heels"! His kidney function has returned to almost normal after being elevated for a couple of months.
Ah the luxury of worrying about other things, like getting the truck stuck trying to plow us out of our BIG snow storm! I should post a picture of him as he rides off in his rusty "charger" to plow the world. He is such a white knight at heart!

We are preparing for the first Christmas season we've had in three years. Two years ago, Gil was hit hard with the pneumonia (which ultimately led to the the myeloma diagnosis) on his way to what became his last Santa Claus "gig". He didn't get out of the hospital 'til Christmas afternoon. It kinda put a damper on the season. And of course last year we all were breathing with Adam.

This year I'm doing what I love best: a greenery filled Advent with preparations for the rebirth of Spirit in my heart and life (I call it internal housecleaning!), a few gatherings of friends but no big deals, fooling around with crafts and goodies, and looking forward to having Chris and Miya with us for Christmas eve and day (first time we've had family home that early in years) It's handy that we spread Christmas out for the full 12 days so we don't have post Christmas morn blow out depression, and it makes it not as important to have loved ones here on that exact day, but I am excited about having a real Christmas eve and morn!

I'm trying to write a piece about "what I learned in NYC, or lessons I learned from Piper"
I want to capture that release in words before routine puts me back to sleep. But even so, it will be a lighter sleep with all the good news we've had.

Perhaps pictures next time!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

continued. . .

I saved and then couldn't retrieve the blog entry I started, so here is the rest.

Our trip back was picture perfect, no construction, no traffic jams; we made it, without pushing, in 16 hours! 3 drivers helped.
We got home Monday eve at 9 pm, which was good because Gil had forgotten that he'd set up his next doc appt. on Tuesday morn. opps.
We spent most of Tuesday at UW Hospital and had his blood tests and bone marrow biopsy. This is the test done after 100 days which should show what myeloma activity is still there. It will be the confirmation (we hope)that he is indeed in remission. We've been acting "as if" ever since his good blood tests but this is the real deal test.
We should have the news in about a week.

Unfortunately, he's been having a good deal more peripheral neuropathy in his feet, ankles and lower legs in the lat month. Doctor Callandar says that that happens sometimes after a bone marrow transplant and that it should get better over time. It definitely cramped his style in NYC as he often took the bus when we walked. He's got pain meds but they bring there own side effects. All in all we have so much to be grateful for that some how the pain seems like a small price. And we hope it does, indeed, fade.

OK, my attempts to post some pictures of the most delectable baby in the world will commence. (don't hold your breath!)
It worked! Ah what a morsel she is! That sunny smile would greet me (almost) every time I got her up. Somehow seeing the turkeys just doesn't do it for me. But I am glad to be home in this spot of beauty surrounded by good friends. We are so fortunate.

More later, but all in all, we're doing well!

We're Home!

Gil and his pool buddy, Tom, drove to NYC to snatch me away from the most delectable baby in the world! (I'm hoping to include a picture) Gil indulged in his alter ego, NYC tour guide, with his friend, while I indulged in my last two days as primary daytime squisher of Piper Rose. Her new "nanny" started the day after we left.

The night before Thanksgiving we went to see Finian's Rainbow on Broadway. Gil had seen it when it first opened on Broadway, in 1947 and had sung songs from it to me on our second date, so we have a soft spot in our hearts for it. And it was amazing, gorgeous scenery, lighting, dancing and songs, but zero leg room. Ah well.

We had Thanksgiving dinner with Kate's folks, NE of Philadelphia, along with the 23# turkey that Gil had brought out with him (along assorted other farm goods).