Monday, February 13, 2012

Just the numbers

Went in today for labs, good numbers! White blood up to 2.5, highest it's been in a while. Red blood stable at 9. Platelets (drum roll) at 12 . Though he did get a unit on Saturday he hadn't been keeping them this long. Interestingly enough, Dr Callander had him get another bag of platelets today to give a boost to his own marrow's attempts to make some. At least this is what the transfusion nurse thought she meant by it.
His Myeloma indicators are looking up too. His kidney function (which reflects his myeloma status too) is good, for him, and his total protein on Saturday (don't have today's results yet) was significantly down, and usually the IGG is the main part of that total protein. So perhaps we're heading into that "stabilizing time".

On the down side, he's a little more confused today, kept thinking tonight that it was morning and that he was getting up. It's either some small fallout from the dexamethasone on Saturday or just the confusion that comes from being cooped up in rehab. All stations "go" for moving into Winnemac on Thursday. I'm going to roast one of our chickens and hopefully get him on a more normal schedule. I am really ready!

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