Thursday, January 26, 2012

A song of praise for nurses

It was a good night. I'll write a detail blog later but this is a song of thanks for the skill and compassion of nurses who have such a powerful impact on survival, comfort, and peace in a hospital.
One of the many groupies Gil has in the hospital is a nurses assistant he befriended that last time he was admitted. Her name is Anne. Yesterday eve he got a burst of energy from the dex and was able to be awake and talk a little. We had already determined that though he wasn't in much outright pain, he was uncomfortable, physically and mentally. Anne spent hours with two other assistants (one in training) ironing out all the little wrinkles (literally and figuratively) that interfered with his relaxing. I won't list them all but we were left with an organized room with a cot for me next to him, many little little amenities , and the feeling tone of a slumber party. And he and I slept from 11pm til 5 am with no thrashing, bed changing crisis or bad dreams.
We've been gifted with a little grace in our trip round the Horn. The dex and the new antibiotics helped, but simple human kindness and attention to detail and a kiss of good luck gave us a deep and delicious reprieve from the discomfort and anxiety which had been draining us.
I am swimming in a flow of gratitude that approaches JOY!

1 comment:

Ursula said...

Prayers, love and peace to all of you, Kathleen. Please know that my family has Gil in our thoughts constantly. What tremendous love and care he is receiving!
Hugs, Ursula