I've been a little subdued in my blogging the last couple of days. All the different drugs he's on or coming off of, along with the trauma of the myeloma spurt it's self have left him wandering in a "looking glass" world which only sometimes runs parallel to ours. I'm not sure what to make of it and don't want to give it too much energy, but it's disturbing.
Dr Callendar wants to give him a dose of Velcade before we leave the hospital, to try to catch the wave of myeloma suppression that the Cytoxin started. We've been making plans to move out of the hospital this Friday or more likely Monday. I'd like to see what fallout he gets from the Velcade first and be sure he's got the strength and will to get up and make it to the bathroom before we move on. The down side of staying longer is that the hospital is a twilight zone and it's becoming more familiar and therefore comfortable than the real world for both of us.
It's time to move into the next phase and see who we both are now since we've made it round the Horn.
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