Thursday, August 27, 2009

He's looking good!

He continues to excel at white blood cell growth, 2.6 today! Though he's a little down on the platelets and continues to have some GI issues, it looks good for leaving the hospital tomorrow!!

If all goes well after the doctors do their rounds in the mid morn, I'll head home with most of his belongings. Gil will stay at the hospital to do all the sign out rigamarole and be brought home by his brother Bob, mid afternoon. Bob is expecting to stay and keep the guy company for the next two weeks. What ever else happens, we'll laugh a lot!

I'm heading back early to make sure that the homestead is ready for his still slightly neutropenic self. When I was back the other night, I discovered our refrigerator was 62 degrees (though the fridge freezer was still OK). I emptied it and hope a good thawing and cleaning will produce cold when I turn it back on. If not, ARG!

Next post (hopefully) from the farm.

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