Thursday, August 13, 2009

All quiet on the UW front

Gil felt fine today. At his doc's recommendation, we made an effort at exercise, walking around and around the halls culminating in a little Exercycle in the lounge. After a roaring game of Slip n Slide Sorry with a 4 year old he met in the lounge, we were given permission to go out on a pass. It felt good to get out and about even when we had to wait 45 minutes to get served in a burger joint. The bottom line is that he still has his immune system for another day or so, so make hay while the sun shines.

He also got moved to a new room. It's bigger and he was finally able to set up his computer so he can play games AND watch TV at the same time. The in room land line phone number is
608 267 8502. Room number is B6/644. Please call before visiting and sadly, plants or flowers aren't allowed. But he does love being loved, so feel free as the spirit moves you.

Tomorrow around 9:30, he'll get back his stem cells, and the transplant clock starts ticking, "T day zero". Stay tuned!


Donna Miller said...

Please send Gil our love - We are rooting for him! Donna & Luke

Laura Maldonado said...

Hey Gil & Kathleen --
John says hi and that he is sorry he missed you when you were in town. Hang in there, Gil, and knock those bad boys out!!!

Love and energy, John and Laura