Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Well, yes, I AM taking care of Piper

Having finished one marathon 14 hour shift yesterday (it won't usually be that long), I am so impressed with how high maintenance young babes are! Of course, I was highly reinforced on my first day, by her finding my imitation of her gurgling gooo hysterically funny, giving me a full out infant belly laugh. I'm so totally hooked!
But caring for another being's bodily and entertainment functions is exhausting. Kate has amazing stamina to be doing this day in and day out and take care of the apt. and a job, all on an interrupted sleep schedule. She has my profound admiration!

What's different here than my previous blog was referring to, is that I'm not primarily responsible for her well being. I'm simply trying to imitate Adam and Kate's techniques of baby management. (there is a learning curve) That's the freedom I'm relishing.

Gil seems to be thriving also. He had a crew over to eat pizza and watch the Packers and now he's spending the next few days staying at the home of one of his pool playing buddies.
Life is good.
He sees the doc on thursday to check his kidney function; I'll update then.

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