Sunday, September 6, 2009

Starting to wake from a dream

Perhaps it's post traumatic stress, or age or?? but I feel like my resiliency is scraping bottom. Perhaps it's being home and feeling like I have no traction with my normal end of summer/fall activities. It's like starting to wake from a dream and not feeling really in either world.

Gil is doing well; no major fevers which was our primary concern during this phase. He's still exhausted and nods off a lot but perhaps it's getting a little better. Food is ho hum and occasionally stimulates up chuck, but small amounts are usually ok.

We're watching alot of old movies and TV series while Bob's here. We've made it through the first season of the Wire from HBO (highly recommend it!) and are starting in on season two. Bob and Gil do "errands" almost daily for ?? "things we need" It's actually an excuse to do the Gil & Bob versions of the "On the Road to" movies of Hope and Crosby. Lots of gas but what the hell.

It gives me space to...? wake up.

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