Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's hard

For whatever reason, I've been hitting the wall recently. (post traumatic stress?)
Gil is progressing, still tired, some low level fevers and up chuck, but making progress.

We'll see the doc on Thursday and have new numbers to share. Apologies for the silence for those of you who worried. I probably won't be updating without new numbers or thresholds to report.

I'll be heading off to NYC on Oct 4th to do daycare for our delectable morsel of a granddaughter, Piper Rose (who, by the way, is almost sleeping through the night at only a little over 2 mos! clearly gifted) (hope I haven't jinxed it!)

You all could help by:
* calling and/or visiting the Miller while I'm away (our son, Chris, will be with him for about two weeks somewhere in there)
* suggesting delicious, healing books for me to read on my "days off" from childcare. (just email them to me )

Your support helps.

1 comment:

Laura Maldonado said...

Hang in there! We're thinking of you both. I will gather some books for you to read while you are in NY. Feel free to go to the RH website and let me know if you see anything you like. Let me know if you think Gil would like any audios.

Hugs, Laura