The shoulder tumor had grown between 2007 and now. The docs feared that it had turned into a more aggressive tumor and would need to "be dealt with". We found out in ?May? that it was still the same old desmoid tumor and yesterday we found out that it had not grown significantly since last February. Thank God! I don't think we'd have the inner strength to deal with it right now! They'll be keeping him on a 6 mo. recheck but hopefully the desmoid will have the common decency to stay put!!
The news got me to thinking about all the drama we've been dealing with since 1997.
First the pneumonias (4 in one year), the over the top insomnia (sleeping only part of one night out of three) and then the brain tumor.
Check, dealt with the brain tumor then, less than a year later, the desmoid tumor in his right arm's bracial plexus (where all the nerves to the right arm and hand pass). We tried surgery and chemo and different chemo and then the Mayo Clinic said "opps, it's inoperable, come back when the pain is great enough and we'll take off your right arm and shoulder".
We travel to New Orleans and they miraculously save his arm (even they didn't think that they could) Oh yes, and we had been building a house and moved into it the day we left for New Orleans.
And, of course, after one of the early rounds of chemo, the derma (covering around the brain) sprung a leak and he was leaking brain fluid out his nose (I could digress and start to crack jokes here, but I'll forbear) There were two surgeries to repair the leak.
And then the myeloma.
I feel like we have been living in a surreal soap opera. The guy has had more than his share of drama.