Friday, May 4, 2012

And then a crash

A tsunami of grief hit me late yesterday after a great, hopeful, empowering few days.
Go figure.
I started to question whether I could survive this.  My head knows I can, I will, but I'm afraid I won't be able to live without him.
Your mission, should you chose to accept:
Look at your partner.  See his/her pain in the butt characteristics, acknowledge the non thrilling tedium of day to day living together, accept the fact that actually it's very much tied in with how you relate to your own  pain in the butt qualities and the day to day tedium of yourself.
Then look at the marvel of this other being, body, pleasure/pain experiencer.  You have a fellow life traveler.  You have someone's needs and feelings to be tuned to and who is tuned to you.  You have a warm body to touch when you're feeling cold.  Feel full of gratitude for the package deal of who they are, and that they are with you; you are not alone.
Then tell them,  daily, not so much because they need to hear it, as that you need to hear it.  Love them in all their imperfection, because you can.

1 comment:

Life with Sabine said...

Dear Kathleen.
This scares me.
You can do it. I think I can, too.