Thursday, December 20, 2012


Who knew?  Snowplowing is hard!! I did it once last winter, much, much less snow,  with a squiggly handwriting note from "the guy" on the door as I returned "I am so proud of you", and a lecture on the niceties of plowing which I had no context to retain. 
He always did it.  It was part of our grand bargain.  He did the wood and the snowplowing; I killed chickens.
This   is a blizzard.       The one down side to my new cabin renter, ace chainsawer, mechanic whiz etc. is that he's a professional snow plower.      That means when it snows he's out on the public byways plowing, not here.   I am going to need to learn how to do it, and since this storm is far from over, my learning curve is continuing beginning today.  Thank God I didn't get stuck!! It happened occasionally with Gil but he'd just get out the old tractor, put me behind the wheel of the truck and pull us out.
I don't want to even THINK about it!
I'll go out again in a little while and try to let the guy's pride in me flow through my hands and judgement.   God, I miss him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe it's just a guy thing but snow plowing is FUN!!!