So as of now, our planned trip to the south east (New Orleans, North Carolina, Wash DC and NYC (for another nibble of the delectable morsel!) is still on. It's fun planning to see old friends and places (New Orleans and the mountains of N Carolina ) as well as the new and exciting Washington DC, staying with our nephew and his fiance and exploring all the riches our country has stored there! and of course, springtime in the south, a particularly lovely idea while we are in the middle of a blizzard. Speaking of which, Gil is as I write, is out in the teeth of the storm trying to snow blow our walk. "Why?" you might ask, as I did. "because there will be less to do tomorrow" says the snow man, ever the optimist in the face of an expected additional 10" by morn.
We are well in general. Gil has been fighting the last residue of a cold from the fall but seems to be winning when he has enough sleep. We are trying a variety of herbal supplements to boast his immune system (with the blessing of his doc) notably Elderberry and Andrograshis. It seems to help. We've been getting something called Quick Defense by Gaia herbs, in case anyone wants to look it up. He reluctantly drinks ginger tea with me, of an eve, but hasn't strayed too far from his historical appetites.
I will update the blog after the biopsy and decision re chemo, but all in all, life is good.
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