When Gil was first diagnosed his bone marrow showed 40% myeloma plasma cells. By the time he'd done the thalidimide and switched to Dr Callandar, he was down to 30%, after the transplant he was about 3% (anything under 5% is remission)
We found out last night that the abnormal plasma is back up to 30%. And there are a few other numbers that are changing rapidly enough that it's clear it's time to call out the troops.
Fortunately there's still a plum of a chemo next in line, Revlemid. It's taken orally, has very little side effects and no neuropathy. He will need to do the dexamethazone to muscle the effect up but we're starting on half a much as what used to keep him up 2 nights a week. He had a chance of being part of a study which would have used Avastin (reduces blood flow to rapidly growing cells like cancer) in addition to the Revlemid and dex but which required every 2 week IV.
But we're about to leave to for a 4 week vacation! His doctor said keep our priorities straight, and she was right! He should do well on what he's going to be taking.
So enough of the numbers! He's back on a good drug which given his history as a responder to these chemos, should get his numbers in line soon. Meanwhile we prepare for sun and fun. I'll write more before we leave.