Saturday, November 22, 2008

And the beat goes on...

Gil's myeloma numbers are holding steady and the pain may be diminishing (or at least is more manageable) so we're going to stay in this holding pattern as long as we can.

The doctor seemed to be saying that, once this coasting isn't working anymore, we would do a little more med adjusting but that the stem cell transplant might be the next intervention in line.  To that end, she encouraged Gil to start exercising and generally trying to get in better shape.  (of course, as we all know, easier said than done!) Any support you can offer is welcome.
Unfortunately, the CT scan Gil had last week showed that he did indeed have at least one kidney stone. Though it's fairly big, it appears to be able to move so the plan is ALOT more water and hope that it makes it out without needing intervention.  
I remember the pain Gil went through two years ago when he had his major kidney stone attack while we were out east dealing with my mom's death. Let's hope this one slips out as easily as some of the other small ones did.

Our spirits are good.  We're basically ready for winter with the firewood on the porch and the hoses coiled and ready for the barn.  Today the turkeys are starting their transit to the feeding of many family gatherings.  And we have been given the gift of getting all our boys and their loves here for an extended Christmas with us!  Life is good!

I'm ending with a picture we took a few weeks ago of the sunrise on the western hills (one of my favorite ways to experience sunrises!)  We are both savoring more of the day to day gifts we have, an "attitude of gratitude"; it helps.  If you'd like a larger printed copy, let us know.  We'll be printing copies for friends.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gil's other big birthday present

I'm hoping to be able to post PICTURES (with luck, no more boring text only posts!) of Gil's two big presents; the TV you heard about but the other one was on the day after his party, our daughter in law, Kate, ran a MARATHON to raise money for myeloma research.  This is not simply an academic gift.  Gil's life expectancy is intimately tied to the research into new treatments.  This was, indeed, a gift of life (and a pretty impressive feat in it's own right!!!)  Thank you Kate!

It looks like I got the pictures on, so I'll give you one of Gil's face when he first saw the TV

(Obviously, there's a learning curve on size and placement of pictures on this blog, but I'm pleased to be starting.)

On the health front, the new pain and nerve rehab drugs appear to be making a difference.  We're hopeful that the neuropathy is going to reverse itself.  
So the beat goes on.